Educational Codeforces Round #106 ABCD Solutions

A. Domino on Windowsill


Place the domino upright in vertical is fine. Then place in horizontal for the extra part.


Submission #113408558 - Codeforces
Codeforces. Programming competitions and contests, programming community

B. Binary Removals


Enumerate the position of the last 0. Then try to match the requirement. If all positions failed, then return "No".

There are two special cases:

  1. All numbers are 1. For this case, the position of last 0 should be -1.
  2. All numbers are 0. For this case, the position of last 0 should be $|s|$


Submission #113411656 - Codeforces
Codeforces. Programming competitions and contests, programming community

C. Minimum Grid Path


Because there is no difference in the direction of the first step. So we let the first step is to the right.

So we can find that: the even segments are to right, and odd segments are to up. It's greedy. The length of segments with minimal $c_i$ as longer as possible.

It can be seen as a DP problem. But after compress state, it not a really DP problem. $$dp[i]=(\sum_{j=0}^{i}c_j)+(\min\limits_{0<j<=i,j\%2=0}{c_j})\times{times_0}+(\min\limits_{0<j<=i,j\%2=1}{c_j})\times{times_1}$$
$times$ represent the remaining length after all the $c$ move only one step for the current direction. And assign this remaining length to the minimal $c$ to each direction.


Submission #113420040 - Codeforces
Codeforces. Programming competitions and contests, programming community

D. The Number of Pairs


First of all, we should know that: $lcm(a,b)=gcd(a,b)\times{f}$.

So immediately transform the original condition to get: $$c \cdot f \cdot gcd(a, b)-d \cdot gcd(a, b) = x$$

Of course $gcd(a,b)\neq 0$, So:$$c \cdot f - d = \frac x {gcd(a,b)}$$

It's very clear now.

Enumerate this $gcd(a,b)$. Calculate corresponding $f$. And base on the number of prime factors of $\frac f {gcd(a,b)}$ (Let's call it $count$). Now we can get the number of all possibilities, which is $2^{count}$.

Finally, it should be noted that this problem needs to preprocess out the $count$. Otherwise, will get TLE.


Submission #113424991 - Codeforces
Codeforces. Programming competitions and contests, programming community